FEATURES: fertilizer with the particular property of making fast and consistent, through the leaf apparatus, the nutrients of the olive trees able to solve various problems or give further advantages.
HOW TO USE: dilute in water and spray
DOSAGE: 90 ml x 10 liters of water
FREQUENCY: in pre-flowering stage to facilitate pollination and avoid the alternation of production; Then every 20-30 days for 2-3 times for the enlargement of the drupes and enrichment of the percentage of oil.
COMPOSITION, USE AND DOSAGE: download here the pdf
- bottle g 500
When the plants, for particular situations of stress or increased consumption, do not feed through the roots, recourse is made to the leaf manuring. Multiannual observations of the cultivation of the olive tree have ascertained the exceptional nitrogen absorption capacity of leaves, pillar of vegetable feeding, in urea form.
Liquid formulated
Immediate effect